22 - 544
| 1 | 1. | | Minutes | Consideration of the Minutes of Proceedings for the Aug 1, 2022, Public Hearing, 2022 Laramie County Mill Levies. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 545
| 1 | 2. | | Minutes | Consideration of the Minutes of Proceedings for Aug 2, 2022. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 524
| 1 | 3. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of a lease agreement between Laramie County, WY, and Messenger, LLC in an amount not to exceed $31,500 to lease a garage facility at 2507 E 7th St commencing Oct 1, 2022 through Sept 30, 2023. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 518
| 1 | 4. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of a lease agreement between Laramie County, WY, Cheyenne-Laramie County Health Dept and Crossroads Healthcare Clinic. The lease agreement shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2024. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 510
| 1 | 5. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of a grant agreement between Cheyenne Regional Medical Center and Laramie County, WY, in the amount of $2,500 for suicide prevention efforts for a Community Benefit award to the Coroner's Office to run through June 30, 2023. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 515
| 1 | 6. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of the ratification of a resolution authorizing submission of a grant application to the National Fitness Campaign to bring a fitness court to Clear Creek Park in the amount of $30,000. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 516
| 1 | 7. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of the ratification of a resolution authorizing submission of a grant application to the WY Office of Outdoor Recreation for an outdoor recreation grant to be used in conjunction with the National Fitness Campaign to bring a fitness court to Clear Creek Park in the amount of $145,000. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 504
| 1 | 8. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of an agreement between Laramie County, WY, and Drug Testing Center of Cheyenne, Inc in the amount of $12,000 to provide drug testing and other services to Drug Court participants. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 506
| 1 | 9. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of an agreement between Laramie County, WY, and Drug Testing Center of Cheyenne, LLC in an amount not to exceed $10,000 to provide drug testing and other supporting services to DUI Court participants. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 503
| 1 | 10. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of an agreement between Laramie County, WY, and Foundations Counseling and Consulting of WY, LLC in the amount of $157,794.46 to provide substance abuse and mental health treatment services, drug testing and other treatment-related services to Drug Court participants. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 507
| 1 | 11. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of an agreement between Laramie County, WY, and Foundations Testing and Monitoring, LLC in an amount not to exceed $3,298 to provide drug testing and other supporting services to Veterans Treatment Court participants. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 505
| 1 | 12. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of an agreement between Laramie County, WY, and Specialty Counseling and Consulting, LLC in an amount not to exceed $132,956.60 to provide substance abuse and mental health counseling services to DUI Court participants. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 523
| 1 | 13. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of an appraisal service contract between Laramie County, WY, and Thomas Y Pickett & Co, Inc. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 521
| 1 | 14. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of four separate equipment/electricty contracts between Laramie County, WY, and Laramie County Fire Authority, Brandon Scott, Dan Cathcart and Gloria Merrill to provide electricity on an as-needed basis to heat Laramie County Public Works equipment. These agreements are for fiscal year 2022. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 522
| 1 | 15. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of the ratification of the FY23 federal equitable sharing agreement, summarizing funds received and spent under the program and certification for the Sheriff's Dept. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 482
| 1 | 16. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of the asset deletion from the County Attorney's fixed asset inventory of 1996 Herman Miller Ethospace furniture that has been destroyed. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 525
| 1 | 17. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of the ratification of a certificate of no default for fiscal year ending June 30, 2022 from Cheyenne Regional Medical Center for Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 2021. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 546
| 1 | 18. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of the following fees collected by various County entities for July 2022: County Clerk, $125,984.71; Sheriff, $89,896.78; Clerk of District Court, $17,094.00; Planning & Development, $91,612.01; Circuit Court, $38,589.00; DUI Court, $110.00; Drug Court, $785.00. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 547
| 1 | 19. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of the following part-time salaries in the amount of $38,140.80 for Aug 2022: Grants, $1,954.04; Planning, $474.03; Shooting Sports, $3,127.78; Events Dept, $2,950.00; Buildings/Maintenance, $15,335.73; Sheriff Operations, $3,187.68; Detention, $9,378.77; District Court, $531.06; Drug/DUI Courts, $1,201.71. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 548
| 1 | 20. | | Consent Agenda Item | Consideration of warrants in the amount of $2,007,399.74 for Aug 2022. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 537
| 1 | 21. | | Report & Public Petitions | Consideration of a request for the WY Attorney General's assistance in prosecuting criminal cases. | approved | |
Action details
22 - 537
| 1 | 21. | | Report & Public Petitions | Consideration of a request for the WY Attorney General's assistance in prosecuting criminal cases. | amended | Pass |
Action details
22 - 537
| 1 | 21. | | Report & Public Petitions | Consideration of a request for the WY Attorney General's assistance in prosecuting criminal cases. | approved as amended | Pass |
Action details
22 - 534
| 1 | 22. | | Resolutions | Consideration of a resolution giving notice of public hearing on the proposed establishment of the Ironhorse Improvement and Service District. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 527
| 1 | 23. | | Resolutions | Consideration of a resolution granting an exemption to the "201 Agreement" for development of small wastewater systems for a portion of the W1/2, S1/2, SE 1/4, NE 1/4 of Sect 20, T13N, R66W of the 6th PM, Laramie County, WY, also known as 516 Pontillo Dr. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 499
| 1 | 24. | | Grants | Consideration of a resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application to the US Dept of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration to fund the Cheyenne Regional Airport to offset costs associated with the FAA airway and facilities agreement for engineering support during the runway reconstruction project in the maximum obligation of $175,198. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 500
| 1 | 25. | | Grants | Consideration of a resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application to the US Dept of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration to fund the Cheyenne Regional Airport for runway construction costs associated with the next phase of the runway reconstruction project in the maximum obligation of $24,000,000. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 501
| 1 | 26. | | Grants | Consideration of a grant agreement between WY Dept of Health, Public Health Division and Laramie County, WY, in an amount not to exceed $344,650 to implement a community-based law enforcement and behavioral health co-response to behavioral health emergency calls within Laramie County to run through May 31, 2023. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 508
| 1 | 27. | | Grants | Consideration of a agreement between Laramie County, WY, and MDM Landscaping, Inc in an amount not to exceed $68,960 to provide garden improvements for the Events Dept. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 520
| 1 | 28. | | Grants | Consideration of a contract between WY Dept of Family Services and Laramie County, WY, for the FFY23 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Community Partnership Initiative grant award in an amount not to exceed $160,500 to run through Sept 30, 2023. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 509
| 1 | 29. | | Grants | Consideration of an agreement between Laramie County, WY, and High West Energy in an amount not to exceed $132,000 to purchase and install one gas and one propane powered generator for the Archer Water Tower. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 502
| 1 | 30. | | Grants | Consideration of four ARPA nonprofit subrecipient agreements between Laramie County, WY, and Cheyenne Therapeutic Equestrian Center $48,760; Raising Readers $24,000; St Paul's Lutheran Church Foundation $22,250; and Troop 101 Foundation $20,800. Agreements to run through May 31, 2023. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 533
| 1 | 31. | | Contract/Agreement/Leases | Consideration of a cooperative agreement between Laramie County, WY, and the WY Dept of Transportation (WYDOT) to outline the terms and conditions by which the County and WYDOT will remove Structure No. DLM over the Union Pacific Railroad at RM 8.21 in Laramie County as shown on Exhibit A. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 528
| 1 | 32. | | Contract/Agreement/Leases | Consideration of a utility easement between Laramie County, WY, and Laramie County Fire Dist #1 for utility services to Fire Station #3 located in the Archer Complex. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 535
| 1 | 33. | | Contract/Agreement/Leases | Consideration of an addendum between Laramie County, WY, and Power Systems West to provide full-service testing and maintenance of the emergency standby generator sets at the Combined Communications Center. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 512
| 1 | 34. | | Contract/Agreement/Leases | Consideration of an agreement between Laramie County, WY, and Big Al's Towing and Recovery to provide vehicle towing for the Sheriff's Dept for vehicles being towed as evidence, towing of department vehicles and tire change services. The agreement shall be through Aug 31, 2025. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 513
| 1 | 35. | | Appointments | Consideration of a resolution appointing Renee Hansen to the Laramie County Juvenile Services Joint Powers Board for a three-year term expiring June 30, 2025. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 519
| 1 | 36. | | Appointments | Consideration of a resolution appointing of a member to the Laramie County Recreation Planning and Advisory Board to complete the term left vacant by Bill Miller expiring Dec 31, 2024. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 517
| 1 | 37. | | Appointments | Consideration of a resolution reappointing Mark T Voss as Laramie County Attorney in accordance with WS 18-3-301(a) effective Sept 1, 2022. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 483
| 1 | 38. | | Public Hearings/Rules & Reg’s | PUBLIC HEARING for the formation of the proposed Bear Paw North Improvement & Service District. The boundaries of the proposed district include Bear Paw Ranch Tracts 12 through 40, a total of 29 tracts with a total area of 133.94 acres. | received and filed | |
Action details
22 - 549
| 1 | 39. | | Public Hearings/Rules & Reg’s | PUBLIC HEARING and consideration of the postponement of the appraisers' report regarding the establishment of a public right-of-way, a 50-foot section of Second St from Adams Ave south to Rd 203, Carpenter, WY. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 526
| 1 | 40. | | Land Use:Variances/Board App./Plats | PUBLIC HEARING regarding a Zone Change from A2 - Agricultural to AR - Agricultural Residential for a portion of the SW1/4 SW1/4 of Sect 33, Sect 32, T15N, R67W of the 6th PM, Laramie County, WY, and Subdivision Permit and Plat for The Reserve at Horse Creek, Laramie County, WY. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 526
| 1 | 40. | | Land Use:Variances/Board App./Plats | PUBLIC HEARING regarding a Zone Change from A2 - Agricultural to AR - Agricultural Residential for a portion of the SW1/4 SW1/4 of Sect 33, Sect 32, T15N, R67W of the 6th PM, Laramie County, WY, and Subdivision Permit and Plat for The Reserve at Horse Creek, Laramie County, WY. | approved with conditions | |
Action details
22 - 526
| 1 | 40. | | Land Use:Variances/Board App./Plats | PUBLIC HEARING regarding a Zone Change from A2 - Agricultural to AR - Agricultural Residential for a portion of the SW1/4 SW1/4 of Sect 33, Sect 32, T15N, R67W of the 6th PM, Laramie County, WY, and Subdivision Permit and Plat for The Reserve at Horse Creek, Laramie County, WY. | amended | Pass |
Action details
22 - 526
| 1 | 40. | | Land Use:Variances/Board App./Plats | PUBLIC HEARING regarding a Zone Change from A2 - Agricultural to AR - Agricultural Residential for a portion of the SW1/4 SW1/4 of Sect 33, Sect 32, T15N, R67W of the 6th PM, Laramie County, WY, and Subdivision Permit and Plat for The Reserve at Horse Creek, Laramie County, WY. | approved as amended | Pass |
Action details
22 - 536
| 1 | 41. | | Land Use:Variances/Board App./Plats | PUBLIC HEARING regarding a Subdivision Permit and Plat for Tiley Subdivision, located in a portion of the S1/2 S1/2 SE1/4 Sect 6, T14N, R62W, Laramie County, WY. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 538
| 1 | 42. | | Land Use:Variances/Board App./Plats | PUBLIC HEARING regarding a Subdivision Permit and Plat for Red Roan Ranches, located on a portion of the E1/2 of Sect 3, T16N, R67W, of the 6th PM, Laramie County, WY. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 539
| 1 | 43. | | Land Use:Variances/Board App./Plats | PUBLIC HEARING regarding a Zone Change from A1 - Agricultural and Rural Residential to AR - Agricultural Residential for a portion of the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Sect 5, T14N, R66W, of the 6th PM, Laramie County, WY. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 540
| 1 | 44. | | Land Use:Variances/Board App./Plats | PUBLIC HEARING regarding a board approval for a vacation of the W1/2 of Tract 2, Adams Subdivision, Laramie County, WY. | approved | Pass |
Action details
22 - 541
| 1 | 45. | | Land Use:Variances/Board App./Plats | PUBLIC HEARING regarding a Zone Change from A2 - Agricultural to PUD - Planned Unit Development for Tracts 1 and 2, Harris Estates, Laramie County, WY. | approved with conditions | Pass |
Action details
22 - 543
| 1 | 46. | | Land Use:Variances/Board App./Plats | PUBLIC HEARING regarding a Subdivision Permit and Plat for Homestead Estates, located in a portion of the N1/2 Sect 18, T13N, R68W, of the 6th PM, Laramie County, WY. | approved with conditions | Pass |
Action details