File #: 23 - 501    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Agenda Item Status: Passed
File created: 10/23/2023 In control: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 11/7/2023 Final action: 11/7/2023
Title: Consideration of the ratification of a resolution authorizing submission of a grant application to the USDA Forest Service for a Community Wildfire Defense grant in the amount of $175,000 with a match of $17,554.
Attachments: 1. Grant Application, USDA Forest Service, CWDG
Related files: 25 - 069


Consideration of the ratification of a resolution authorizing submission of a grant application to the USDA Forest Service for a Community Wildfire Defense grant in the amount of $175,000 with a match of $17,554.